Anybody fancy a foot rub? The power of Reflexology
Reflexology is a non-intrusive complementary health therapy, based on the theory that the feet (or hands) represent a map of the whole body, with every part of the body reflected on one or both feet. Regular treatments in pregnancy may make pregnancy or labour easier and more efficient. It can treat a myriad of common discomforts – including many of those we discuss in our free pregnancy information classes – morning sickness, constipation, backache and symphis pubis pain.
Sometimes mistakenly considered just “a foot massage” it is very relaxing, but also very powerful! We often refer our antenatal course clients to reflexologists when they are trying to avoid medicalised inductions.
We are being joined by the lovely Jenny Joseph from the Warwickshire Well Being Clinic at our Pregnancy and Baby Fair and she would love to chat with you about the services she offers and how she can help ease your pregnancy symptoms.
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